Pediatric Symptom Checklist 17 Header Image

Pediatric Symptom Checklist 17 (PSC-17)

Parent/Guardian Name*
Patient Name*
Patient Date of Birth*
1. Feel sad*
2. Feel hopeless*
3. Feel down on themselves*
4. Worry a lot*
5. Seem to be having less fun*
6. Fidget, is unable to sit still*
7. Daydreams too much*
8. Distract easily*
9. Have trouble concentrating*
10. Act as if driven by a motor*
11. Fight with other children*
12. Not listen to rules*
13. Not understand people’s feelings*
14. Tease others*
15. Blame others for their troubles*
16. Refuse to share*
17. Take things that do not belong to them*